Doctors walking down a hallway

Crisis Aid Relief for Employees

EyeCare Partners (ECP) CAREs, Part of the ECP Foundation

ECP CAREs is one program of the ECP Foundation, our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and is dedicated to giving back to ECP team members in need and creating a community across the company. Funded by our team, the program awards grants to team members who are in need of financial support due to a disaster event (flood, tornado, earthquake, personal house fire, etc.) or a personal hardship (such as extended illness or injury, domestic violence, sudden loss of property, and more). By donating when able, team members can provide financial support and security to their coworkers during their time of need.


How to Donate

ECP CAREs is funded by EyeCare Partners team members. They can donate through the payroll system via automatic deduction from their paycheck or through a one-time donation. The amount donated is tax-deductible and all team members who donate funds will receive a tax form at the end of the year.

Any amount donated is encouraged, as every dollar goes to help ECP teammates in need. If you’re interested in donating a percentage of your paycheck to ECP CAREs, visit the EyeCare Partners Intranet for more information. Every little bit helps!

How to Apply

Any active ECP teammate, who has been with the company for at least 30 days, is eligible to apply for consideration to receive a grant from ECP CAREs. To qualify, the impacting events must have both (i) occurred during the time the applicant was employed and (ii) occurred within the last three months. To apply, please complete the application form below. The application will be sent to a review panel, consisting of a diverse group of people from across the company, who will carefully review the application and respond to the applicant as soon as possible.

ECP CAREs Frequently Asked Questions

What are examples of eligible hardships that will be considered by ECP CAREs?

Some examples of eligible hardships are:

  • Serious illness of an team member or dependent resulting in medical bills that exceed insurance coverage
  • Loss of property due to fire or natural disaster not covered by insurance
  • Funeral expenses for dependent or immediate family member
  • Food, clothing, home repair not covered by insurance
  • Personal expense due to Domestic Violence

What are examples of ineligible expenses that will not qualify for a grant by ECP CAREs?

Some examples of ineligible expenses are:

  • Insurance deductibles, premiums and co-pays
  • Legal/Court fees/fines, bail
  • Adoption fees or expenses associated with divorce or child custody issues
  • Bad debts/loans/overdue bills from ongoing financial issues
  • Job loss or reduction of work hours/pay
  • Car maintenance, registration
  • Elective medical procedures

Who decides eligibility for the grant?

Members of the ECP CAREs review panel, made up of a team of diverse ECP teammates from across all facets of the company, decide eligibility for the grant on a case by case basis. Examples of eligible and ineligible hardships and expenses are listed above, but these are not exclusive lists. The review panel may determine other hardships and expenses that may or may not qualify based on various factors, including the needs of applicants and the amount of available funds.

What is the maximum grant award?

Grant amounts will vary on a case-by-case basis. The amount will be based on need, the impact of a qualifying event on a team member and the amount available within the program’s fund at the time of application. Grants will be made available to those with the most significant financial burden first.

Is this a loan? Do I need to arrange to pay the money back?

No, if you receive a grant from the ECP CAREs, you will not be required to pay it back in any form. ECP CAREs is funded by generous team members who want to help their coworkers in times of trouble.

Will I be taxed if I receive a grant from the ECP CAREs?

No, grants are tax free and do not contribute to your overall gross income.

My spouse and I both work for the company; can we both apply for assistance?

No, only one employee per household may apply.

ECP CAREs Application

All fields marked with an * are required. Please remember, only active ECP teammate, who has been with the company for at least 30 days, are eligible to apply for consideration to receive a grant from ECP CARES.


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